Hi, welcome.
I made this site during late/early 2023-24 in the holidays because my brain needed something to do before I went crazy. I like coding! It's a good creative outlet and way for me to organise and track things.
I learnt how to code everything by myself, so feel free to inspect element, but I don't think I code 'properly' so please don't judge :")
p.s. this site definitely isn't optimised for mobile, so laptops only please!
...I'm really bad at writing, if you couldn't already tell. But explore! take a look around! do whatver your heart yearns for!! I don't know, I'm not your mother.
you are visitor number:
featured page: about my dog!!
featured figurine:
Cloud Strife in a Dress, FFVII Remake figurine.
featured photo:
featured plushie
my beloved Sephiroth plushie chilling on my bed.
Sign my guestbook!!
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site updates
--> been working on my jewellery page. In the meantime I've added more resources (font-focused) and I've also made my shrines page easier to navigate. 190125
--> uuuuu happy new year lol, it's been a bit of time. Anyway I just updated my shrine on mechs because I wanted to add some stuff and I realised I had a few errors. Also I really wanna create a sort of digital jewellery box...
--> finally updated the shrines page so it more fits the general theme of this site, am very proud of it. 151224
--> MY SHRINE ON MECHANICAL KEYBOARDS IS DOOOONE!!!!! it's still looking a bit empty but pretty much the majority is there. Now just for cool graphics etc!!! :D
--> also I'm thinking of starting a collections page ft my plushies, trinkets and stickers??!?! 141224
--> arggughghg long time no see, I came back to update my hiking tier list + add a new cool site's button!! I'm also working on a mechanical keyboard shrine behind the scenes btw... ehehehheehhuh 22/10/24
--> third row in library done!
--> added another hike to the diary :3 19/10/24
--> row 2 of my bookshelf is finally complete... coding it in is so tedious, hence why it's taking so long. 16/10/24
--> review for A Pale View of Hills is up for bookbug 15/10/24
--> a new hike has been added becoz I went hiking over the weekend :D
--> I now have a quiz results section in my webmaster page too!!
--> woopee, I added a guest counter to my site. Also changed up some pages to fit the frutiger aesthetic better!
--> library page now up, huge wip, beware
started on my camera page in my hikes shrine!!...(and I also completely revamped my home page) 09/10/24 gear page in my hikes shrine is now done!! hike diary layout is all done too, what's left is to just add in more hikes. 08/10/24
holy shit, it's been ages since I've been back. Anyway, getting right into it, I've edited the games page and cool stuff, so they're a little better. Also started a new shrine: dedicated to my fav activity of all time, hiking!! 28/6/24
wooo I'm moving so it's not completely finished but my Moomin shrine is up now :D 27/6/24
finished dog page :3